Reunion 2019

Reunion 2019

The 2019 PDT reunion was held from 19-21 April.

We practiced Friday morning and afternoon and had a great cocktail party at the Marriott Courtyard on Friday night.

Saturday morning we met at the Armory for some early marching, culminating in the dedication of a PDT plaque.


The Legacy plaque

Ron Neubauer made an inspiring speech covering the history and legacy of the Team.

Speaking of the Team's legacy was particularly poignant at this reunion because it may be the last time the Armory is available for PDT reunions and marching. President Mitch Daniels had recently announced that there were plans afoot to repurpose the Armory. Some of the possible uses mentioned were another food court or administrative spaces. One wishes that the Armory had been put on the National Register of Historic Places to insulate it from such a fate. Hindsight tells us that perhaps we should have initiated such an effort.

Saturday afternoon's drill concluded with a “last pass.” Steve Edwards commanding, PDT and PDTA members formed up and made a “last pass” on the drill deck where we spent so many hours. There were more than a few damp eyes.

PDT & PDTA's last pass in the Armory

PDT & PDTA members

PDT & PDTA members and their families.

Saturday night we met at Mountain Jacks for the banquet where we presented Dave Snyder with a miniature replica of the National Drill Meet Washington Monument trophy for his outstanding job organizing this and prior reunions. Larry Hutson made the trophy as he had done for Lyle Lockwood and Bill Holder for their work on the Team's Legacy Scrapbook.

This was the best attended reunion since our first in 2001. Seventy marchers and spouses attended the reunion and ninety attended the Legacy plaque dedication. The Legacy plaque dedication was undoubtedly a big draw for this reunion.

Sunday was a goodbye & farewell at Marilyn & John Weilbaker's home featuring a BBQ'd pig, loads of Hoosier side dishes and their famous Bloody Marys.

We may not have the Armory in 2021 but we plan to have another reunion.