
ARTICLE I Name and Headquarters

  1. The name of this drill team shall be the Purdue Drill Team.
  2. The headquarters shall be at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

ARTICLE II Objectives
  1. The objectives of this team shall be: to foster, encourage, and develop efficiency in military drill; to promote teamwork and cooperation; to advance the ideals of the Military Establishment; to provide opportunities for leadership; and to help all branches of the R.O.T.C. in any possible way.

ARTICLE III Eligibility for membership
  1. All male students of Purdue University who are interested in military drill are eligible for membership.
  2. There shall be no bar to color, race, or creed in this drill team.

ARTICLE IV Government
  1. The elected officers of the Purdue Drill Team shall be as follows: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Adjutant, Training Officer, Service Captain and Drill Captain. These officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the total eligible voting body for the term of one semester. Other officers and non-commissioned officers necessary for the proper functioning of the Drill Team shall be appointed by the Commanding Officer.
  2. The Purdue Drill Team may select faculty advisors.
  3. Drill Team officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the active members of the drill team, and new officers elected as per section 1, ARTICLE IV at the first meeting following the removal of said officers.
  4. The Purdue Drill Team is a sovereign organization, but it may solicit sponsors if desired.
  5. The Purdue Drill Team shall abide by and keep up to date all existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). SOP may be changed by obtaining permission of the Commanding Officer of the Purdue Drill Team.

ARTICLE V Duties of the elected officers
  1. The Commanding Officer shall preside over all meetings and be responsible for the general welfare of the Purdue Drill Team. He shall be responsible for maintaining an interesting schedule of drill meets and exhibitions. He may command the unit in reviews, parades, competitions, and exhibitions when the entire Purdue Drill Team marches as a unit if he so desires.
  2. The Executive Officer shall be the executive, presiding in the absence of the Commanding Officer. He may not hold this office during his last semester at Purdue University.
  3. The Adjutant shall be responsible for the collection. Disposition, and expenditures of all Drill Team funds as approved by the Auditor of Student Organizations. He shall be responsible for team correspondence and records.
  4. The Training Officer shall be responsible for the selection and training of pre-plebes and plebes in all phases of Drill Team activity.
  5. The Service Captain shall be responsible for all services connected with the proper appearance and performance of the Purdue Drill Team.
  6. The Drill Captain shall be responsible for the training of the team. He shall pick and command the team which will march in competitions and exhibitions.

  1. All phases of pre-plebe and plebe training shall be the responsibility of the Training Officer.
  2. New plebes shall be chosen from the pre-plebe class by the Training Officer on the basis of attitude and proficiency after a period of pre-plebe indoctrination.
  3. Plebes shall be activated as a class upon completion of a training period the duration of which shall be at the discretion of the Training Officer. Any Plebe failing to demonstrate sufficient improvement in attitude or drill proficiency may be de-plebed by the Training Officer at any time prior to activation.

ARTICLE VII Amendments
  1. This constitution can be amended by a three-fourths vote of the active membership. Any amendments may be presented at any meeting and shall be voted upon at the following meeting one week later.
  2. Amendments shall be subject to the approval of the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, and the heads of the Military Departments.